
女流画家公募団体 朱葉会


English translation below.

1.会の名称 朱葉会(しゅようかい)

2.創立年月日 1918年(大正7年)10月

3.創立趣旨と経緯 大正初期に於いては女流画家の拠点となる団体組織がなく、また、その水準向上も望まれたところから、女流画家の勉強と発表の場を設け、鑑別審査を行うことによりその水準を高め、女流画家の育成と登竜門の役割を担うべくわが国初の女流画家公募団体として1918年10月結成発足した。

名称 朱葉会 
会期 毎年5月頃(詳細は公式HPにて随時、発表いたします)

会場 東京都美術館出品資格 女性で絵画の創作に志す者(会員・会友・一般出品者)
出品資格 女性で絵画の創作に志す者(会員・会友・一般出品者)
陳列作品 197点(第101回展実績)(会員は1人1点、会友・一般出品者は審査入選作品)

会員数等 会員129名(内  理事11名、顧問1名、委員18名、会計監査3名を含む) 会友30名
代表者 理事長 坂田 都
事務所 東京都中野区中野3-20-8 内手マンション101

Outline of Shuyou-Kai

1.Group Name: Shuyou-Kai

2.Founded: October, 1918

3.Aim and Background:
In early Taisho period (early 20th Century), in Japan, there was no platform for lady painters, and raising the level of lady painters was essential.
Our group is 1st open group for lady painters in Japan, established in October, 1918.
The aim of the group was to cultivate lady painters by providing learning environment, and to raise their level through evaluation and judgment, and to offer the gateway to success.
The original committee members were Akiko Yosano(poet), Sadako Ogasawara,
Teruko Tsugaru(poet), Momoko Sho, Toshiko Tsuda, Kikuko Kodera.
Akiko Yosano named this group as “Shuyou-Kai”.
Having Kunishiro Mitsutani, Ikuma Arishima, Saburosuke Okada, Sotaro Yasui, Tsuji, Tsuguharu Fujita as Advisor/Jury, the 1st Open Exhibition was held at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi in 1919.
The exhibition was recessed in 1945 and 1946, due to WWII.
In 1947, Shuyou-Kai newly started its annual exhibition at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno.
Shuyou-Kai is free from any art factions or grouping, and has been steadily developing upon every artist’s originality and creativity.
We have been producing many leading lady painters, and keep progressing with the aspiring artists.
Shuyou-Kai became General Incorporated Association in November,2011.

4.Promoting Open Exhibition 
Name: Shuyou-Kai 
Exhibition Period: June 23 –June 30, every year

Place: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
Qualification for Entry: Aspiring lady painters
Exhibited Work: One (1) work /member, and accepted works of associated members and non-members
( Total 303 on 85th Exhibition)

5.Outline of Shuyou-Kai (as of January, 2023)
Member: 129 members (including 11 board members, 1 advisor, 18 commissioners, 3 auditors), 23 sub-members
Chairperson: Miyako Sakata
Office location: Uchide Mansion 101, 3-20-8 Nakano, Nakano-Ku, Tokyo
TEL/FAX: 03-5340-4636


TEL/FAX: 03-5340-4636

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